First... Could you tell us, more, who are you and where are you from?
Ciao I'm Andrea, a boy from Italy of 35 years old and my life is the music.
OK! When you became an Eltonite?
The first cd that arrived in my house was Reg Strikes Back album. There are many songs that I like: A Word in Spanish, I don't wanna go on you.., Town of plenty. Before that record, my favourite artist was Paul McCartney.
Remember the first time you heard Elton´s music and what moves you to buy his music?
The episode that has changed my life was the concert in the arena of Verona in 1989!!!!Was my first big concerts: and after that, I've seen live many time Elton and many many best artist of the world.
Fine! Which are your favourite albums, or the Elton´s must to have songs that should have been in an eltonite ipod?
My favourite albums are all the first albums: Tumbleweed connection, Goodbye yellow brick road, Captain Fantastic, Don't shoot me, Madman, Blue Moves and, in the 90s, Made in England and The One.
Nice!! What was it like seeing Elton for the first time and how many concerts have you been?
My first time was in Verona at famous arena in 1989. I've seen him in concert 11 times: and one at Pavarotti international. 1 time at Fenice in Venice. But my favourite concert was in Milan with Ray Cooper in 1994.
Well, as you know this is the "Peachtree Road" Week. What do you think about Elton as the self-producer? Do you like the mood of the album?

Perfect!! Why do you think this album was disastrous, in sales terms? Were you agree with the record company `s selection for the singles? If not, which songs whould have been singles?
For me the only possible singles should have been the cat and answer in the sky. The flop was because the universal company didn't promoted enough elton.
How was the success of Elton John in your country? Which references had italians about Elton, specially in the 70s and 80s? And the most succesful albums? Could you still hear Elton´s music now on radio stations?
For me Elton in italy have been selling too many records but the music papers and the critic don't appreaciate him. The papers speak about him more for the fact that he is gay, or for his customs, and other thinks like glasses. Here, has sold good: the one, don t shoot me and reg strikes back. And, Naturally, Candle in the wind 97.

I see... Which is your Elton´s item that you really appreciate, for being hard to get or for the happiness you´ve got to have it?
It isn't an item but the moment when I met him in Venice in 1996: I remember that day because there was Gianni Versace too. I've met him before at a Versace Shop!!Unforgettable day but unfortunately the picture when I met him, it was cancelled in the camera!!!
What a pitty!!! Finally, could you tell me your five favourite Elton John´s songs in running order, for my AllSongsList, please?
Rocket man, Your Song, Skyline pigeon, Bennie & the Jets, Harmony... But a list is impossible to do!! There are too much!!
Thanks a bunch, Andrea. Really a pleasure to chat with you again. My best wishes and greetings. Take care.
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