Hi, Eduardo, thanks so much for being here, it's really an honour to have you here. How did you become a caricaturist? How you started your career?

Did you read comics as a kid and if so what was your favorite?
I read comics a lot when I was a child. Later, I gave up this habit. My favourite stories were Captain America’s one.
Wow! And what is your main source of inspiration? Do you have some favorite character?

What’s the essence of caricature, exaggeration? Not Distortion? Some caricaturists can stretch the exaggeration to extremes, while others gently create kind cartoon portraits. Which is your style?
More than the distortion or the exaggeration, I search the elegance of the forms. The distortion can be lither or more exaggerated, it depends on the context.
Right! What is the key point to capture the characters’ characteristics do you think?

There’s the traditional painting tools, such as pencils, watercolor, for one side, and modern digital painting tools, Photoshop or other painting software for example. Which way do you prefer?
I like to work as with color pencils as with Photoshop. The choice of the technique depends on the destination of the drawing and how I imagine it. But I think the traditional techniques are more beautiful and spontaneous.
Would you have any objection to being caricatured if that would happen?
On the contrary. I receive caricatures from everywhere, and I always enjoy them a lot.
Hahaha Great!! I am absolutely impressed about your Elton’s cartoon. How difficult it is to caricaturate Elton?
It wasn’t very easy to caricature Elton. It’s not always that we can identify where the difficulty is. The fact is that some persons are easier to caricature than others, and we only note it when we start to try drawing it.
Could we define you as an eltonite? What fascinates you most about Elton John?
I’m not a fan, properly. I like some songs very much, mainly of the 70’s, because of the affective memories. They are songs that I heard when I was a child. I confess I don’t follow his recent works. But he is a singer and composer that I like very much. He has very beautiful melodies. I love music, I am an amateur musician. I prefer Brazilian music, but Elton is one of the international artists that I most appreciate.
And could you tell me your five favourite Elton's songs in running order, for my AllSongsList? Thank you.
1 – Bennie and the Jets
2 – Skyline pigeon
3 – Rocket man
4 – Goodbye yellow brick road
5 – Your song
It’s important to say I have been studying English, but I still understand just some words of the lyrics. I’ve always liked that songs by the melodies, even without understanding all what they say.
That's a way to learn the language, Eduardo. Where we could find your works? And also, what other projects do you have for the future?

Oh, that's really expected!!! Would you want to add some observation or suggestion, or something you want to say to other eltonites?
I am very happy by your invitation, because I have a big affinity with Elton John. His songs are part of my history. Here I send a big hug to all eltonites around the world.
Thanks so much Eduardo. It's been a priviledge for me to have you here. Keep going with your great work, your success. I wish you all the best in life. You're really a talented person and, also, a very beatiful human kind. God bless you.
All pictures courtesy by Eduardo Baptistão.
a genius, very talented and intelligent, to recognize his features so that we see some art his.
My friend Baptistão is really very talented! His caricatures are fun and very well done!
Leticia / São Paulo - Brasil
Realmente excelente o trabalho do Baptistão.
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