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27 May 2010

1994: The Singles Reachin' Charts

Can You Feel The Love Tonight

United States
N. 4 (26 Weeks)

N. 1 (22 Weeks)

United Kingdom
N. 14 (9 Weeks)

N. 9 (7 Weeks)

N. 9 (30 Weeks)

New Zealand
N. 7 (20 Weeks)

N. 1 (32 Weeks)

N. 14 (26 Weeks)

N. 4 (13 Weeks)

N. 10 (15 Weeks)

N. 14 (15 Weeks)

N. 15 (27 Weeks)

N. 4 (22 Weeks)

N. 2 (33 Weeks)

N. 81 (4 Weeks)


Circle Of Life

United States
N. 18 (20 Weeks)

N. 3 (21 Weeks)

United Kingdom
N. 11 (12 Weeks)

N. 9 (10 Weeks)

N. 60 (13 Weeks)

New Zealand
N. 13(6 Weeks)

N. 10 (19 Weeks)

N. 30 (1 Week)

N. 2 (19 Weeks)

N. 7 (15 Weeks)

N. 3 (17 Weeks)

26 May 2010

1994: The Albums Reachin' Charts

The Lion King

United States
N. 1 (92 Weeks)

United Kingdom
N. 4 (48 Weeks)

N. 1 (64 Weeks)

N. 3 (44 Weeks)

New Zealand
N. 1 (35 Weeks)

N. 1 (68 Weeks)

N. 7 (23 Weeks)

N. 4 (22 Weeks)

N. 1 (27 Weeks)

N. 5 (63 Weeks)

N. 1 (34 Weeks)

N. 4 (25 Weeks)

23 May 2010

Ben Babylon's Week: At The End Of An Unforgettable Week

Hello Ben,

Well, this is the end of the week, I've been so much lucky to have known you. As I told you before, since then on, you have a fan of your music, I will follow you everywhere, and I wish you a great and prolific career. More than music, I wish you all the best in life. Continue with your studies, the education is very important in every stage of life, and also take care (as you are doing) of the family, family is very important for we all. With time and effort you gonna make it, because you have talent. I am so proud to had you here, it was so amazing for me and, the most important, allow me to learn more from you. So, thank you very much, my friend, here you have me for support, love and respect.

You're a great person, you're the new keyboard wizard,


Miquel aka Jack Rabbit

Ben: Guy Babylon Is So Proud Of You

Dear Ben: On the week, we had an article every day. With "Unforgettable People", I tried to pay my particular homage to Guy Babylon, someone very important in Elton's career, who played everything on the keyboards, a symphony man as I said. With Ben's article, "The New Keyboard Wizard", I tried to learn more from you. The Story Behind "Goodbye Superman" is just a rendition of one of the most touching renditions I've ever heard, well arranged and it's really a masterpiece. The poll about you, where people could vote, is clear that we are all sure Guy Babylon's is so proud of you. Most of the people think that you've got "a brilliant future" in front of you, that you should "collaborate with Elton" (wow!!!) and encourage you "to go ahead with your music career". Almost most of the people who voted, are agreed that they love your "Goodbye Superman" track, that they want "an album by you", that you're "the most talented kid (they've) ever seen", they want to "see you playing live" and they "check out your (fantastic) website". Also, they wish you all the best, think that you're "a fantastic guy" and without question, "love you so much".

On the week, you kindly accepted to make an interview with Jack Rabbit, and he was so proud to see that fantastic people like Jesse Johnstone (who recorded every instrument on your single), Electra Barakos (a great and powerful musician, and teacher) and Jonathan Birch (friend, son of Bob Birch) wanted to be with him, sending his words for you. That's a great honour for Jack Rabbit. And the comittee of experts of the website, from 12 countries of the world, "reunited" for, this time, speaking about you and your music. Ben Tisik, a great friend of both, was the guest on "The Eltonite's Day", with a question related to you.

Just one thing remains to close the week, wishing you had a great time, you enjoyed and found amazing the whole thing. Obviously I knew you didn't need any promo from me, because everybody knows how great musician you are, but I did it with the only pretention to make you smile. Before closing, then, just I invited some people, related to Elton, to encourage you in your brilliant future. They are a fantastic people, great and succesful musicians, and wanted to be here just for you. So, the surprise of the surprises is send it to you by heart:

Paul Buckmaster, Elton's arranger:

"I first met and got to work with Guy on Elton’s Made in England album, for a period of about two-three months, February-April 1994. Although it was a brief association, and being in intense work-mode (which did not allow for much hangin’ out), nevertheless it was a pleasure and fun to work with him, and get to know him a little.

It is a great pleasure to see his young son Ben already displaying such talent and creativity; I wish him well and hope he will continue to develop himself as a musician and song-writer".


Marlena Jeter, former background vocalist:

"Ben performed "Goodbye Superman" at Guy's memorial service and I remember thinking what an incredible song it was. I also had thoughts of contacting Davey Johnstone to inquire as to whether or not Elton had any plans to record it and perhaps do it as a tribute to Guy in his show. However, it looks as though it's all happening just as it should!

It makes me feel good to know that others will have the pleasure of hearing the song. I also hope that it ends up on the airways so that many, many more ears can hear and get a taste of the magic created by Ben Babylon.

He certainly seems to be his Father's son... musically speaking, that is.


Tam Johnstone, former studio session vocalist:

"The first time I heard Ben play keyboards was at rehearsals for the Canyon Club gig last year. He was playing The Who's "Baba O' Reily", a song famous for having - possibly - one of the first sequencer parts...except Ben played it without using a sequencer! Cue Tam's mind being blown. Ben, you are an amazing talent. Keep up the great work!


John Jorgenson, former guitar, sax and vocals:

"I know that your father is so proud of you, and you honor his legacy with your talent. He was as kind as he was gifted, and I feel so fortunate to have known and worked with him. I'm sure you miss him terribly, and obviously his spirit lives on within you. I can't wait to see how your music and artistry develops over the next few years.

With love and empathy,

John Jorgenson"

John Mahon, current band's percussionist and vocals:


Good luck with your music. I think you might have a promising music career someday - or maybe even decide to become a marine biologist - which you would be great at too! Whatever you do - have fun!

John Mahon
Health & Happiness to you..."

Ken Stacey, former background vocals and guitar:

"Ben, your father is so proud of you! Keep following your dreams...that is what a truly fulfilling life comes from. I look forward to seeing where it all takes you...much love...


22 May 2010

The Eltonite's Day With... Ben Tišik!!!!!

Hello Eltonites!! Today we have a very special guest on the Eltonite's Day. Someone who plays keyboards and guitar, loves music. He's a true eltonite, one of those you love to chat with. His knowledge about Elton is so wide, and he's a great person. Ladies and gentlemen, on AllSongsList, the incredible: Ben Tišik!!!! Welcome, Ben, thanks for sharing your time with us!!!

But first... Could you tell us, please, who are you and where are you from?

My name is Ben Tišik. Coming from the Czech Republic. My father, Nathaniel is the head nurse and my mom Chiara is a italian nurse , my Uncle Robert Eduard Vecchio is a storyteller and poet. We are a large family. We live in a small village near the woods. We are Eltonites! All!

Hahahaha fantastic, a family Elton, that's good!!! When did you became an Eltonite? Remember the first time you heard Elton's music and what moves you to buy his music?

I listen to Elton whole life. Thirteen years! From my birth! One of my biological father said that the first words I said were the names of members of Elton John band. My first CD of Elton was "The Big Picture". I love it.

Great!! What was it like seeing Elton for the first time and how many concerts have you been? And also, could you tell us if you ever have been in touch with him, get a signed autograph or even, speak with him or with other member of his band?

I visited five concerts of Elton. It was fantastic, amazing! I have not spoken of the band members. I had the courage. But now I have it.

Elton's music is for me a big dream come true! He is the true king of music for me!

Yes, for me too!!! And if an extraterrestrial come someday on earth, and wanted to learn something about Elton... What do you would explain him about Elton? And which were the unforgettable songs you let him to listen, to make him an opinion?

Me like he said: "This is the best and largest real king of music! He is very wise and heartfelt. He makes music with the heart." And then we listened to together completely all the songs of Elton. I began to track "The Last Song". Because I prefer this song and I love it.

Good!! What would you do if you meet Elton sometime? What would you talk about and which question would you like to ask him?

It's hard to choose one question. But very often I think about this question: "Can I have a concert at one sitting next to you at the piano and listen to there?" Do not ask why. It's complicated. It is hard to describe.

Great, but... how was the success of Elton John in your country? Which references had czechians about Elton, specially in the 70s and 80s? Was there a regular market of western pop music? And are there so many eltonites now?

It's complicated. All concerts in Prague had great success. Czechs love Elton. But today the Czech nation is unaffected bad things from the communist government politicians. I can not remember it. I'm too young. But the adults talking about it a lot. This is what it would be better to ask someone older. But the communists banned the orientation of gays and lesbians, the disabled had to be in institutions, so that no one could see on the street. So I said grandpa. Today the situation is better. I think. This is very difficult. I just know that in the Czech Republic has very much Elton fans. Only the older generation is sometimes seen a little cold, because they believed the Communists.

And any czechian compilation or recording on Elton to remark?

Oh yeah! Our singer sang Czech Jitka Zelenkova "Circle Of Life" for the Czech version of The Lion King. O do not know anything else. But this version is amazing.

Nice!! Which is your Elton´s item that you really appreciate, for being hard to get or for the happiness you´ve got to have it?

I do not know! I love everything associated with it. , and everywhere! whatever it is!

Well, you know that's the Week Of Ben Babylon. We eltonites really appreciate him. Which would be your advice to him, about music, about life?

Continue in what you do! Write music! Because your music is wonderful, great, fantastic! We love it! I would have told him. He is a amazing man! Wonderful musician! I can never find the right words when I talk about him. But thank God for that, Ben know.

Thank you. Apart from music, which are your interests? What you like to do with your off time?

I ride my horse, I'm learning languages, trying to write poetry, I love walking in the woods.

And finally, could you tell me your five favorite Elton's songs in running order, for my AllSongsList?

The Last Song, Candle In The Wind, Rocket Man, Please, The One

Thank you. Would you want to add some observation or suggestion, or something you want to say to other eltonites?

Yes. Eltonites are one big family.

Yes, we are!!! Thanks a bunch, Ben. Really a pleasure to chat with you. I get funny doing this interview with you, it was an enjoyable and worth experience. Thank you very much. Take care.