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5 Feb 2016

Wonderful Crazy Week!!!

Hello Eltonites, the day has come! The long expected new album "Wonderful Crazy Night", the 33rd album by one of the most prolific artists of the century, and one of most succesful, is out today. The album, co-produced by Elton with T-Bone Burnett, was recorded at Los Angeles' Village Studios, with Elton's band (the last time was on "Captain And The Kid", in 2006) and Bernie Taupin, as usual, provided the lyrics. A very strong team, even Ray Cooper collaborated on some tracks, to return Elton to the place he deserves: at the top again. "In 17 days we did 14 songs, 10 of which ended up on the album" explained a joyful Elton, when he was asked about the new material. This is how Elton and the band used to work in the past, very quickly, writing the new song, recording and finished in the same day. It is available across a number of formats including super deluxe edition box set.

"I wanted to do something joyous because I was so happy with my children and my husband. Happy with everything," the star says on a different interviews on press, radio and TV programs. He explained, when he developed the idea of the album, how he called guitarrist and music director Davey Johnstone to "go out and buy 12-strings guitars" because "I (he) want to hear lots of them on the record". The result is an optimistic album, with more up-tempo numbers than the previous ones. Meanwhile Elton confessed to Rolling Stone Magazine he was gutted to see how Capitol Records rejected the project: "this is a fucking good record, can't understand why they don't want to put it out. But they've done me a favour (...) I landed on Island Records and they were so thrilled" continued. But that doesn't matter now. Elton's got so much energy, so much talent, that he presents a new collection of songs, some of them reminiscent of his sound of the 70s, and it is on sale today.

Allsongslist, due to this big event, presents a "Wonderful Crazy Week" with some surprises related to the release of the new album. After celebrating the 30 years of when allsongslist began, I have so much joy to count with some special guests who will collaborate on the week. They will be introduced along the week. Also, we sent Jack Rabbit to London to see the atmosphere around this Wonderful Crazy new Elton John album, on another eltonin' around the world experience that will be explained also in 
time. Provided with an ipad, a pen, a note book, a map of the city and the archives of allsongslist, he lived so wonderful crazy experiences that will be explained on this event and on the forthcoming event in 2017, due to Elton's 70th Birthday, and also the 50th year of collaboration between Elton John and Bernie Taupin. 

So thanks for being here, again with allsongslist, I hope you enjoyed what is prepared to you, it will be promoted on Facebook eltonjohn allsongslistfriends group, twitter and Instagram (@jacques_lapin), and on the most well known fansites. So take your seats, fasten seat belts and have a safe trip.

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