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4 Dec 2014

Kris McCorquodale Top 30 Elton John List. Celebrating the 30th Anniversary of AllSongsList

15. Kris McCorquodale

Sometimes I found eltonites that surprised me! Some of them, more younger than you, old Rabbit, makes in their short period of life more than you with your large one. Our next guest is one of them. Are you looking for knowledge about Elton John? Ask him. Are you looking for items related to Elton? See his. Are you looking for some enthusiastic fans with more concerts on their shoulders than you? He's one of them. And when we chat, not very often as we would, you see he's a fantastic person. Finally, don't forget, he is also a good songwriter, with his own songs, with his talent. I truly suggest you take a listen of what he's been loading, gonna see I am right. Check out on Soundcloud. Kris, welcome to the site. This is your turn. Thanks.

Hello, I'm Kristophar from Scotland. Only being 24 years old, my journey has just started along the Yellow Brick Road with just over 10 years under my belt. Selecting 30 of my favorite songs is tricky and I can't list them all as numbers. As a result I will number my top 5 in order then categorize the remaining songs.

"Good music doesn't tell you how to feel. It takes how you feel and enhances it."
- This is the case with my 30 favorite songs.

#1 - Original Sin.
This was always going to be on top of my list. It holds a special meaning in my heart as I remember lying for an hour listening to this on repeat with someone I love for the first time. They say certain songs can transport you to a time and place no matter how long ago. This one does it for me.

#2 - Home Again.
For me, one of the best songs ever written in popular music. Lyrically and Musically it is one of my favorite songs of all time.

#3 - Recover Your Soul.
I listened to this song so much during times of darkness in the past couple of years. This is an example of a song that doesn't tell me how to feel. It enhances how I feel and helped me through some bad things.

#4 - Runaway Train.
As soon as that guitar starts, and the beat kicks in - I can't sit still. It's really hard to explain why I love this song. I just do. Always gets me moving, singing and playing air guitar!

#5 - The One.
This is the perfect example of the perfect love song and Elton did a great job here with Bernie's lyrics. How the song starts out gentle and pretty, then slowly building into the chorus and getting more emotional as the lyrics tell the story. The piano solo at the end is one of my favorites he has ever done.

Your Song, I've Been Loving You, Harmony, I Guess That's Why They Call It The Blues,
I Can't Stay Alone Tonight, Blues For Baby And Me, Sacrifice, Turn The Lights Out When You Leave, Steal Away Child, Tactics.

Indian Sunset, Captain Fantastic And The Brown Dirt Cowboy, The Captain And The Kid, Goodbye Yellow Brick Road, Empty Garden, Mona Lisas And Mad Hatters.

Club At The End Of The Street, Just Like Belgium, There Goes A Well Known-Gun, Funeral For A Friend/Love Lies Bleeding, Dixie Lily, Soul Glove, The Camera Never Lies, Poor Cow, Please.

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